27 Apr 2012

A sexy dance for CC

What my mind can produce while I'm asleep will never stop to amaze me. Or, in this case, question my own sanity. 
It started at some bus station. I am sitting on a bench, waiting for my bus and reading The Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul by Douglas Adams. I occasionally look around the room to see if I notice any people I know. And what a lovely surprise, there he is, Clint Catalyst himself.

Dear kids, maybe now is the right moment to explain to you who Clint Catalyst actually is. This guy was (and still is) my religion. I am quite afraid that I might mess up his description, so I just steal a bit from his Wikipedia page: 

Clint Catalyst
(source: lucywho.com)
Clint Catalyst is an openly gay American author, actor, screenwriter, television producer, spoken word performer, stylist, and self-described "accidental model"
I discovered him in 2007 and "Meet Clint Catalyst" is on my bucket list ever since. I remember writng a comment on his Myspace profile. It was just a simple sentence "hi Clint, I totally adore you", but I didn't know much English back then so it took me about an hour to put it together with a help of a dictionary and then making sure that it's correct. How surprised I was when he replied to me the next day! I didn't understand a word without an online translator (and even that didn't make much sense), but hey, he wrote me back!
His book called Cottonmouth Kisses is travelling everywhere with me and currently I am translating it into Czech so more people can enjoy the genious that Clint is. Ah. Alright, back to the dream.

I quickly realise that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I get up and walk to him. We start talking and we get along just great. And guess what, we are both waiting for the same bus! 
Then we magically transport to the bus seats and we start talking again. He says that he's on his way to the airport because he is flying somewhere tonight. He takes out his boarding pass and I see he's flying with Ryanair. Poor Clint. I try to explain that it's probably the worst choice ever, he replies that it was the cheapest flight and he just had to buy it. I agree, not mentioning that I did the same thing a week ago when I was flying to London. All of the sudden the driver decided to put a radio on and a Crossover song is playing. That's when I noticed the dancing pole in the bus aisle. I don't have any better idea than jumping up and starting some hardcore pole dancing right in front of him. When the song is over and I finish my wannabe sexy dance, Clint is laughing.

Then, thanks to all the power of the Universe, I woke up. I will never find out if he was laughing because it was so awesome or because it was so terrible and he was helpless and had no other choice than just laugh and pray it's over soon.

Inspired by the quote from Reservoir Dogs "You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize". So Clint, if you're reading this: If we by any chance had a synchronised dream and you witnessed that horrible, horrible thing called me pole dancing, please accept my apologies, it won't happen again.

The First One.

This is the one shot I have to impress you. This is the only shot I have to make you like me and follow my blog. Because what's the point of blogging if you don't have any readers? I may as well write a private diary. Actually  that is what I did last ten years. "Time to move to the 21. century," I said to myself one day. 
I had a few blogs, but none of them really stuck with me. Why? Well, probably because I had no followers. Except for my parents. That is never good. Your parents reading your blog, that's even worse than having your parents as friends on Facebook. You can't really share much of your life because no matter how much you like your parents, there are some things that you don't want them to know. So this will be the first thing to do (or not to do): I will keep this blog a secret from my family. 

So, what's there to know about me? My name is Anna, I was born in 1988 in a small town in Czech Republic. I am no supermodel (translates as "I'm fat and ugly"), I'm not a native English speaker (translates as "My English is not perfect, but I know the difference between there, their and they're") and I had enough of me sitting in the corner (translates as Watched Dirty Dancing too much").
Two years ago I packed all my stuff, got on a plane and went for a search of my happiness. And for some strange reason, I decided that the place that will make me happy is this little green island, I went to Ireland. 

I often have some conflicts with myself. Usually it's because I am an optimist and my inner voice is a damn pessimist. Sometimes it's fun to listen to me talk, sometimes it's annoying, sometimes I forget that there are people around me so I keep asking questions and answering them myself, but in general I'd say that I am harmless. And hilarious. Trust me, I am so amazing that you won't want to miss a single article and you will want more. <- That was quite confident, wasn't it? Oh well. 

So welcome to my blog and enjoy the tour!